Editor, The Times of SWLA
Getting city sewage service to south Lake Charles and widening streets to improve traffic flow are top priorities of John Fontenot, who announced his candidacy for the District G Lake Charles City Council Seat.
“Many people in south Lake Charles live within the city, but don't have city sewage – me, included,” Fontenot said. “In talking to the people of south Lake Charles, I understand that many want to see a widening of the streets to improve the traffic flow. I want to help make that happen.”
Fontenot made the announcement, Jan. 30, following Sheriff Tony Mancuso's presentation at the League of WoMen Voters noon meeting at Reeves Uptown Catering in Lake Charles.
He said the presentation provided some great tips, such as hiring a consultant. Fontenot hired FocalPoint Media & Marketing, saying the firm was instrumental in managing successful campaigns in the last election.
Fontenot said he entered the race because he believes the district needs strong leadership to represent the community.
“I want to serve my community and to help Lake Charles grow and improve,” he said.
He is a member of the board of directors of the Sowella Foundation, and the Calcasieu Women's Shelter. He serves the Greater Lake Charles Rotary Club as its sergeant-at-arms. He and his wife Jodi are members of St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church.
The District G council seat is now held by Mike Huber.