Saturday, August 22

Legis-Gator Luncheon '09

By Chaney Ferguson
Editor, The Times of SWLA

On August 13, the Chamber of Southwest Louisiana held its annual Legis-Gator Luncheon.
Politicians, business owners and many others entered the L’Auberge du Lac Casino and Resort for a beautifully displayed lunch and to hear what is going on in the state of Louisiana.

Updates were given by Congressman Charles Boustany and Congressman Charlie Melancon. The topic on everyone’s mind was healthcare, but the speakers covered many items from the legislative agenda as well as currently relevant topics.

Senator Mary Landrieu and Senator David Vitter were unable to attend the luncheon. However, they prepared a tape to be shared with the luncheon attendees. Landrieu and Vitter spoke to the crowd providing encouragement for the future, information on the present and regrets for not being present to speak to the group in person.

Senator Willie Mount provided information to the group, always giving a personal touch since many in the audience remember her as a hands-on mayor.

Representative Jonathan Perry added comic relief with his stories of Washington and how he has represented Southwest Louisiana.

When the Washington updates concluded there was a time for state information to be provided.
Agriculture Commissioner Dr. Mike Strain, Insurance Commissioner James Donelon, Attorney General Buddy Caldwell, and Public Service Commissioner Clyde Holloway, all gave brief updates on the current state of things with the economy and their area.

Each update included statistics of past performance and stated goals for future achievement.
Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu was the keynote speaker. He spoke on ethics in state government, higher education and where the state needs to be heading.

Overall the luncheon should have left those who attended with a more well-rounded knowledge of where our state stands on many critical issues.

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